chris smalls

Amazon Labor Union President Christian Smalls Opening Statement before Senate Banking Committee

Chris Smalls - The Man Who Took On Amazon and Won | The Daily Show

Chris Smalls Explains Partnership with TEAMSTERS; Amazon Leads Country In Injuries

How Chris Smalls took on Amazon and made history

Chris Smalls Speaks To Bernie Sanders About Conditions At Amazon During Senate Hearing

Chris Smalls On Unionizing Against Amazon, Protesting Unfair Working Conditions + More

Organizing Amazon: How To Conquer A Union-Busting Giant | Chris Smalls | TMR

Chris Smalls on What’s Next for Unions in the U.S.

Amazon Labor Union Leader Chris Smalls Joins Columbia Gaza Solidarity Encampment

Biden Stabs Amazon Labor Union In The Back WHILE MEETING Chris Smalls | The Kyle Kulinski Show

Chris Smalls, the man behind the Amazon Labor Union

Chris Smalls & Derrick Palmer Create The First Amazon Labor Union! | Black History Month '23

Amazon Vs. Labor Leader Chris Smalls

Fired Amazon Worker Chris Smalls Responds To Leaked Smear Campaign Plans

Chris Smalls [Amazon whistleblower] and Mehran Khalili - Taking the power back | DiEM25

Amazon protestor Chris Smalls alleges that the company is not protecting workers

Fired Amazon Worker Chris Smalls: Support May Day Strikers

Chris Smalls, le syndicaliste américain qui a fait plier Amazon

Do You NEED Organizing Experience To Unionize Your Workplace? w/ Chris Smalls

Chris Smalls Is Living In Jeff Bezos' Head

“We Just Unionized Amazon”: How Two Best Friends Beat the Retail Giant’s Union-Busting Campaign

Chris Smalls in Havana

Amazon Labor Union’s Chris Smalls has a message for Jeff Bezos | Salon Talks

Chris Smalls EXPOSES Amazon's FAKE $15 Min Wage SCAM | Krystal Kyle & Friends Podcast